hour [aʊə] (Briti), [aʊr] (USA)
- tund. Aja mõõtühik, mis võrdub 3600 sekundiga ehk 1/24 ööpäevaga.
- Kella numbrilaua minutipunkt.
- Kella numbrilaua tunnipunkt.
- kellaaeg
- aeg. Päevaaeg millegi tegemiseks.
- hetk, aeg, tund. Eriline hetk või aeg.
- tunnitee. Tunni jooksul jalgsi läbitav vahemaa.
- Ühe tunni töö.
- tund, õppetund. Koolipäeva üks istung.
- astronoomia: tund. Otsetõusu mõõtühik, mis vastab 15 kraadile ehk 1/24-le taevaekvaatorist.
- Kaarepikkuse mõõtühik, mis vastab 15 kraadile ehk 1/24-le suuringjoonest.
- ainepunkt. Õppetöö maht, mis vastab ühele auditoorse töö tunnile või kolmele laboratoorse töö tunnile nädalas semestri jooksul.
- Sünonüümid:
muuda- after-hours
- ampere-hour
- by-hour
- eight-hour
- flower-of-an-hour
- H-hour
- half-hour
- horsepower-hour
- hourglass
- hourlong, hour-long
- kilowatt-hour
- light-hour
- long-hours
- lumen-hour
- machine-hour
- man-hour, manhour
- quarter-hour
- shop-hour
- twenty-four-hour
- two-hour
- watt-hour
muuda- a quarter of an hour
- after hours
- after one hour
- after the hour
- after two hours
- all hours
- an hour
- an hour ago
- an hour and a half
- an hour away
- an hour from
- an hour of
- an hour's
- at all hours
- at all hours of the day and the night, at all ours of the day and night
- at any hour of the day or night
- at this hour
- at this unearthly hour
- at this ungodly hour
- at two hours' notice
- banking hours
- business hours
- book of hours
- by the hour
- candle hour
- canonical hour
- canonical hours
- cocktail hour
- coffee hour
- consulting hours
- credit hour
- daylight hours
- dinner hour
- eleventh hour, the eleventh hour
- every hour
- every hour on the hour
- evil hour, the evil hour
- for hours, for hours and hours
- for hours on end
- from hour to hour
- golden hour
- Greenwich hour angle
- H hour
- half an hour
- half an hour flat
- half hour
- happy hour
- the hero of the hour
- the issues of the hour
- hour after hour
- hour angle
- hour circle
- hour hand
- hour line
- hour to hour
- hour upon hour
- hour wheel
- the hours of darkness
- the hours of daylight
- in an hour
- in an hour's time
- in one's hour of need
- in the early hours
- in the small hours
- in two hour's time
- inequal hour
- it takes an hour
- Kelly hours
- kill an hour
- late hours
- licensing hours
- literacy hour
- little hours
- long hours
- lunch hour
- megawatt hour
- miles an hour, miles per hours
- of the hour
- office hours
- on the hour
- one's darkest hour
- one's finest hour
- one's hour
- one's hour has come
- one's hour of need
- one's last hour
- opening hours
- past the hour
- peak hours
- per hour
- person hour
- rush hour
- school hours
- shopping hours
- sidereal hour
- small hours, the small hours
- staggered hours
- strike the hour
- surgery hours
- take an hour
- take one's hour
- the darkest hour is just before the dawn
- the hour
- three-quarters of an hour
- till all hours
- to all hours
- to the hour
- twenty-four hours
- twilight hours
- uncivilized hour
- unearthly hour
- ungodly hour
- visiting hours
- waking hours
- witching hour, the witching hour
- within the hour
- work long hours
- work regular hours
- work unsocial hours
- working hours
- zero hour