Inglise keel:Sõnaloend (V)
0 * A * B * C * D * E * F * G * H * I * J * K * L * M * N * O * P * Q * R * S * T * U * V * W * X * Y * Z
muuda- Va
- vac
- vacancies
- vacancy
- vacancy's
- vacant
- vacant-brained
- vacant-eyed
- vacant-headed
- vacant-looking
- vacantly
- vacate
- vacated
- vacating
- vacation
- vacationed
- vacationer
- vacationers
- vacationing
- vacationist
- vacationists
- vacationless
- vacations
- Vaccaria
- vaccinal
- vaccinate
- vaccinated
- vaccinates
- vaccinating
- vaccination
- vaccinations
- vaccinator
- vaccine
- vaccinee
- vaccines
- vaccinia
- vaccinial
- vaccinias
- Vaccinium
- vaccinium
- vacillate
- vacillated
- vacillates
- vacillating
- vacillatingly
- vacillation
- vacillations
- vacillator
- vacillators
- vacillatory
- vacua
- vacuity
- vacum frame
- vacuolar
- vacuolary
- vacuole
- vacuous
- vacuousness
- vacuum
- vacuum apparatus
- vacuum bottle
- vacuum brake
- vacuum cleaner
- vacuum concrete
- vacuum desiccator
- vacuum distillation
- vacuum drier
- vacuum drill
- vacuum dryer
- vacuum evaporating
- vacuum filter
- vacuum flask
- vacuum forming
- vacuum gauge
- vacuum main
- vacuum meter
- vacuum mold casting
- vacuum mould casting
- vacuum oil
- vacuum oven
- vacuum pack
- vacuum pad
- vacuum photocell
- vacuum pump
- vacuum technique
- vacuum tube
- vacuum tube rectifier
- vacuum-packed
- vacuum-tube voltmeter
- vade mecum
- vade-mecum
- vadose
- vadose water
- vadose zone
- vae victis
- vag
- vagabond
- vagabondage
- vagabondager
- vagabonding
- vagabondism
- vagaries
- vagary
- vagina
- vaginal
- vaginismus
- vaginitis
- vagitus
- vagotomy
- vagotonia
- vagotony
- vagrancy
- vagrant
- vague
- vague feeling
- vague idea
- vague memory
- vaguely
- vagueness
- vaguest
- vagus
- vail
- vailed
- vails
- vain
- vain attempt
- vain expectation
- vainglorious
- vainglory
- vainly
- vainness
- vair
- Val
- valance
- valances
- Valdai Hills
- vale
- valediction
- valedictions
- valedictorian
- valedictory
- valedictory address
- valence
- valence electron
- valence electrons
- Valencian
- Valenciennes
- Valenciennes lace
- valencies
- valency
- valency bond
- valency electron
- valency link
- valent atoms and radicals
- Valentin
- Valentina
- Valentine
- valentine
- Valentine Day
- valentine day
- Valentines
- valentine's
- valentines
- Valentine's Day
- Valentinian
- Valentinianus I
- valentinite
- Valerian
- valerian
- Valeriana
- Valerianella
- valerianic
- valerianic acid
- valeric
- valeric acid
- Valery
- valet
- valet de chambre
- valetudinarian
- valetudinary
- Valhalla
- valiant
- valiantly
- valid
- validatable
- validate
- validated
- validates
- validating
- validation
- validations
- validity
- validly
- validness
- valine
- valines
- valise
- valises
- Valium
- valium
- Valkyr
- valkyr
- Valkyrie
- vallet rafter
- Valley
- valley
- valley board
- valley bog
- valley flat
- valley-bottom
- valley-floor
- valor
- valorization
- valorize
- valorous
- valour
- Valparaiso
- valuable
- valuables
- valuation
- valuator
- valuators
- value
- value added tax
- value judgment
- value-added tax
- value-by-area
- valued
- valueless
- valuelessness
- valuer
- valuers
- values
- valuta
- valvate
- valve
- valve box
- valve chamber
- valve chest
- valve diagram
- valve gear
- valve receiver
- valve set
- valve spring
- valve stem
- valved
- valvular
- valvular defect
- valvular heart disease
- valvulitis
- vamoos
- vamoose
- vamose
- vamp
- vamp up
- vampire
- vampire bat
- vampire moth
- vampirism
- Van
- van
- Van Allen belt
- Van Allen radiation belt
- Van de Graaff generator
- van de graaff generator
- van der Waals equation
- Van der Waal's forces
- van der Waals forces
- van der Waals' forces
- van der Weyden
- Van Dyck
- Van Dyck beard
- Van Dyck brown
- Van Dyck collar
- Van Dyke
- vanadic
- vanadic acid
- vanadium
- vanadium oxide
- vanadium steel
- vanadiums
- vanadous
- vanadous oxide
- vanadyl
- Vandal
- vandal
- vandalic
- vandalise
- vandalism
- vandalize
- Vanderbilt
- Vandyke
- vandyke
- Vandyke beard
- Vandyke brown
- Vandyke collar
- vane
- Vanellus
- vanes
- vang
- vanguard
- vanilla
- vanilla grass
- vanillin
- vanish
- vanish into thin air
- vanishing
- vanishing-point
- vanity
- vanity bag
- vanity box
- vanity case
- Vanity Fair
- vanity fair
- vanity of vanities
- vanner
- vanning
- vanquish
- van't Hoff
- vantage
- vantage in
- vantage out
- vantage-ground
- vanward
- vapid
- vapidity
- vapor
- vapor barrier
- vapor cloud
- vaporate
- vaporetti
- vaporetto
- vaporise
- vaporiser
- vaporization
- vaporize
- vaporized
- vaporizer
- vaporous
- vaporware
- vapour
- vapour bath
- vapour pressure
- vapourable
- vapour-bath
- vapoured
- vapourer
- vapourers
- vapourish
- vapours
- vapoury
- vapulate
- vapulatory
- varactor
- Varangian
- Varanidae
- Varanus
- variability
- variable
- variable star
- variable-speed motor
- variac
- variance
- variant
- variants
- variate
- variates
- variating
- variation
- variation factor
- variation of parameters
- variational
- variationally
- variation's
- variations
- varicella
- varicolored
- varicoloured
- varicose
- varicose veins
- varied
- variegate
- variegated
- variegated pattern
- variegation
- varietal
- variety
- variety entertainment
- variety show
- variety theatre
- variform
- variola
- variolite
- variometer
- variorum
- variorum edition
- various
- various readings
- varix
- varlet
- varmint
- varnish
- varnish remover
- varnishing-day
- varsity
- vartel
- varve
- varved
- vary
- varying
- vascular
- vascular bundle
- vascular tissue
- vasculum
- vase
- vase painting
- vasectomy
- vaseline
- Vasili
- Vasily
- vaso-
- vasomotor
- vassal
- vassalage
- vast
- vastly
- vastness
- V.A.T.
- vat
- vatful
- vatic
- Vatican
- Vatican City
- Vatican city
- Vaticanism
- vaticinate
- vaticination
- vaticinatress
- vatu
- vaudeville
- vaudeville theater
- vault
- vault of heaven
- vaulted
- vaulting
- vaulting-horse
- vaunt
- vaunted
- vavasour
- vaward
muuda- veal
- veal-cutlet
- vealer
- vector
- vector analysis
- vector field
- vector product
- vector space
- vectorial
- vectorial angle
- Veda
- Vedas
- VE-Day
- vedette
- vedette boat
- Vedic
- vee
- vee-neck
- vee tail
- veep
- veer
- veer away
- veer off
- veer out
- veering wind
- veg
- Vega
- vegan
- vegan food
- veganism
- vegetable
- vegetable butter
- vegetable garden
- vegetable kingdom
- vegetable marrow
- vegetable oil
- vegetable oyster
- vegetable parchment
- vegetable soup
- vegetable sponge
- vegetables
- vegetal
- vegetal functions
- vegetarian
- vegetarian dish
- vegetarian food
- vegetarianism
- vegetate
- vegetation
- vegetative
- vegetative nervous system
- vegetative organs
- vegetativeness
- veg*an
- vehemence
- vehemency
- vehement
- vehemently
- vehicle
- vehicular
- vehicular traffic
- veil
- veiled
- veiled threat
- veiling
- vein
- vein of humour
- veined
- veinstone
- veiny
- Vela
- velar
- velarize
- Velcro
- veld
- veldt
- velitation
- velleity
- vellum
- vellum paper
- velocipede
- velocity
- velocity diagram
- velocity potential
- velodrome
- velometer
- velour
- velours
- velum
- velvet
- velvet ant
- velvet glove
- velvet paper
- velvet revolution
- velvet scoter
- velvet voice
- velveteen
- velvety
- venal
- venality
- venatic
- vend
- Venda
- vendee
- vender
- vendetta
- vendettist
- vending
- vending machine
- vendor
- vendors
- veneer
- venefic
- veneficial
- venerable
- veneral
- venerate
- veneration
- venereal
- venereal disease
- venereologist
- venereology
- venerology
- venery
- venesection
- Venetia
- Venetian
- Venetian blind
- venetian blind
- Venetian glass
- Venetian mast
- Venetian window
- Venezuela
- Venezuelan
- vengeance
- vengeful
- venial
- venial sin
- veniality
- Venice
- venice
- venire
- venire facias
- venireman
- venison
- Venn diagram
- venom
- venomous
- venose
- venose blood
- venous
- venous blood
- vent
- ventage
- vent-hole
- ventilate
- ventilating shaft
- ventilation
- ventilation hood
- ventilator
- ventose
- vent-peg
- ventral
- ventral fin
- ventri-
- ventricle
- ventriloquism
- ventriloquist
- ventriloquize
- ventriloquy
- ventripotent
- venture
- venture capital
- venturer
- venturesome
- venturesomeness
- venturi
- venturous
- venue
- Venus
- Venusian
- Venus's comb
- Venus's fan
- Venus's flytrap
- Venus's girdle
- Venus's looking-glass
- venust
- Veps
- veracious
- veraciously
- veraciousness
- veracities
- veracity
- veranda
- verandah
- veranda's
- verandas
- Veratrum
- veratrum
- veratrums
- verb
- verb phrase
- verbal
- verbal agreement
- verbal note
- verbal particle
- verbal translation
- verbalism
- verbalize
- verbalized
- verbalizer
- verbalizing
- verbally
- Verbascum
- verbascum
- verbatim
- verbatim et literatim
- verbatim et litteratim
- Verbena
- verbena
- verbiage
- verbicide
- verbigeration
- verbose
- verbosely
- verboseness
- verbosity
- verboten
- verbum sat sapienti
- verdancy
- verdant
- verdantly
- verdantness
- verdict
- verdict of guilty
- verdict of not guilty
- verdigris
- verdite
- verditer
- verdure
- verdurous
- verecund
- Vérey light
- Vérey pistol
- verge
- verge into
- verge to
- verge towards
- verger
- verging on
- veridical
- verifiability
- verifiable
- verification
- verifications
- verified
- verifier
- verifiers
- verify
- verifying
- veriloquence
- verily
- verisimilar
- verisimilitude
- verism
- veritable
- veritableness
- veritably
- verity
- verjuice
- verklempt
- vermian
- vermicelli
- vermicide
- vermicular
- vermicular work
- vermiculate
- vermiculated work
- vermiform
- vermiform appendix
- vermifuge
- vermilion
- vermin
- verminous
- vermins
- Vermont
- Vermonter
- vermouth
- vermuth
- vernacular
- vernacular language
- vernacular speech
- vernal
- vernal equinox
- vernal grass
- vernicle
- vernier
- vernissage
- veronal
- Veronese
- Veronica
- veronica
- verrucose
- vers libre
- versa
- Versailles
- versatile
- versatility
- verse
- versed
- versicle
- versification
- versifier
- versify
- version
- verslibrist
- verso
- verst
- versus
- vert
- vertebra
- vertebral
- vertebral column
- vertebrate
- vertebrates
- vertex
- vertex angle
- vertical
- vertical angles
- vertical pump
- vertically
- verticalness
- verticil
- vertiginous
- vertigo
- vervain
- verve
- very
- very beginning
- very best
- very good
- very high frequency
- Very light
- Véry light
- very likely
- very much
- Very pistol
- Véry pistol
- very reverend
- very unlikely
- very well
- vesical
- vesicant
- vesicatory
- vesicle
- vesicular
- vesiculitis
- vesiculose
- Vespasian
- vesper
- vespers
- vespertilian
- Vespertilionidae
- vespertine
- vespiary
- Vespidae
- vessel
- vessel of war
- vessel traffic service
- vest
- vest in
- vest with
- Vesta
- vesta
- vestal
- vestal virgin
- vested
- vested interest
- vested interests
- vested rights
- vestee
- vestibule
- vestibule train
- vestige
- vestigial
- vestigially
- vesting
- vestment
- vestments
- vest-pocket
- vest-pocket camera
- vestry
- vestry room
- vestryman
- vesture
- Vesuvian
- vesuvian
- vesuvianite
- Vesuvius
- vet
- vetch
- vetchling
- veteran
- Veterans' Affairs
- Veterans Day
- Veterans' Day
- veterinarian
- veterinary
- veterinary surgeon
- vetitive
- vetiver
- veto
- veto power
- vetoer
- vetust
- vex
- vexation
- vexatious
- vexed
- vexed question
- vexillologist
- vexillology
- vexillum
- vexing
muuda- vi et armis
- via
- via media
- viability
- viable
- viaduct
- vial
- viand
- viands
- viaticum
- vibe
- vibes
- vibrancy
- vibrant
- vibraphone
- vibrate
- vibration
- vibrato
- vibrator
- vibratory
- vibrio
- vibrion
- vibromassage
- Viburnum
- viburnum
- vicar
- vicar of Bray
- Vicar of Christ
- vicarage
- vicarial
- vicarious
- vice
- vice-
- vice chancellor
- vice dean
- vice president
- vice rector
- vice versa
- vice-admiral
- vice-chairman
- vice-chancellor
- vice-consul
- vicegerent
- vice-president
- vice-presidential
- viceregal
- vice-regent
- vicereine
- viceroy
- viceroyalty
- vices
- vichy
- vichy water
- Vicia
- vicinage
- vicinity
- vicious
- vicious circle
- viciousness
- vicissitude
- vicissitudes
- Vicky
- victim
- victimise
- victimization
- victimize
- victor
- Victoria
- victoria
- Victoria Cross
- Victoria Desert
- Victoria Island
- Victoria Lake
- Victoria Land
- Victorian
- victorian
- victorious
- victory
- victory parade
- victrola
- victual
- victualage
- victualler
- victuals
- vicugna
- vicuna
- vide
- vide infra
- vide supra
- videlicet
- video
- video amplifier
- video assist
- video camera
- video cassette recorder
- video disc
- video disk
- video frequency
- video game
- video home system
- video signal
- video tape
- video tape recorder
- videocamera
- videocassette
- videocassettes
- videodisc
- videodiscs
- videodisk
- videophone
- videos
- videotape
- videotape recorder
- videotape recording
- videotape's
- videotapes
- videotelephone
- videotex
- videowall
- vie
- Vienna
- vienna
- Vienna sausage
- vienna sausage
- Viennese
- Viet-Nam
- Vietnam
- Vietnam War
- Viet-Namese
- Vietnamese
- view
- view angle
- view finder
- view in a new light
- viewable
- viewer
- viewers
- view-finder
- viewfinder
- viewfinders
- viewing
- viewing audience
- viewless
- viewpoint
- viewpoint's
- viewpoints
- viewport
- views
- viewy
- vig
- vigil
- vigilance
- vigilance committee
- vigilant
- vigilante
- vigils
- vigintillion
- vignette
- vigor
- vigorish
- vigorous
- vigorously
- vigour
- viking
- vilayet
- vile
- vileness
- vilification
- vilify
- vilipend
- villa
- villadom
- village
- village community
- village soviet
- villager
- villain
- villain of the piece
- villainous
- villain's
- villains
- villainy
- villanella
- villein
- villeinage
- villenage
- villi
- villous
- villus
- Vilnius
- Vilnyus
- vim
- vimba
- vinaceous
- vinaigrette
- vinaigrette sauce
- vinal
- Vince
- Vincetoxicum
- vincible
- vincit omnia veritas
- vinculum
- vinculum matrimonii
- vindemiate
- vindemiation
- vindemiator
- vindicate
- vindication
- vindications
- vindicatory
- vindictive
- vindictive damages
- vindictively
- vindictiveness
- vine
- vine-dresser
- vinegar
- vinegar fly
- vinegar tree
- vinegary
- vine-louse
- vine-pest
- vinery
- vinestalk
- vineyard
- vingt-et-un
- Vinnitsa
- Vinny
- vinous
- vintage
- vintage wine
- vintage year
- vintner
- vinyl
- vinyl alcohol
- vinyl chloride
- viol
- Viola
- viola
- viola alta
- violate
- violate the law
- violated
- violation
- violation of human rights
- violation of law
- violence
- violent
- violent death
- violently
- Violet
- violet
- violet-blue
- violin
- violin bow
- violinist
- violoncello
- V.I.P.
- viper
- Vipera
- viperine
- viperous
- viper's grass
- viraginity
- virago
- viral
- viral diseases
- viral hepatitis
- vireo
- virga
- Virgil
- Virgin
- virgin
- virgin forest
- Virgin Islands
- Virgin Mary
- Virgin Queen
- virgin soil
- virgin speech
- virgin territory
- virgin wool
- virginal
- Virginia
- Virginia cowslip
- Virginia creeper
- Virginia silk
- Virginian
- virginibus puerisque
- virginity
- Virgo
- virgule
- virid
- viridescent
- viridity
- virile
- virility
- virologist
- virology
- virtu
- virtual
- virtual address
- virtual focus
- virtual storage
- virtually
- virtually certain
- virtue
- virtue ethics
- virtueless
- virtuelessness
- virtues
- virtuosi
- virtuosity
- virtuoso
- virtuosos
- virtuous
- virulence
- virulent
- virus
- virus disease
- virus warfare
- viruses
- viruslike
- virus's
- vis
- vis major
- vis viva
- visa
- visa freedom
- visa-free
- visage
- -visaged
- Visakhapatnam
- vis-a-vis
- viscacha
- viscera
- visceral
- visceras
- viscid
- viscidity
- viscose
- viscose silk
- viscosimeter
- viscosity
- viscount
- viscountess
- viscounty
- viscous
- viscum
- vise
- Vishnu
- visibility
- visibility zero
- visible
- visibly
- Visigoth
- vision
- visional
- visionary
- visit
- visitant
- visitation
- visiting
- visiting card
- visiting day
- visiting hours
- visiting professor
- visiting-card
- visitor
- vison
- visor
- vista
- Vistula
- visual
- visual acuity
- visual aids
- visual angle
- visual contact
- visual display unit
- visual examination
- visual field
- visual flight
- visual flight rules
- visual image
- visual memory
- visual organs
- visual range
- visual sense
- visual signal
- visualise
- visualization
- visualize
- visually
- visually impaired
- vital
- vital capacity
- vital force
- vital function
- vital organ
- vital part
- vital principle
- vital statistics
- vital wound
- vitalism
- vitality
- vitalization
- vitalize
- vitals
- vitamin
- vitamin A
- vitamin B
- vitamin C
- vitamin D
- vitamin deficiency
- vitamin E
- vitaminize
- vitiate
- vitiation
- viticulture
- vitiligo
- Vitis
- vitium
- vitreous
- vitreous body
- vitreous electricity
- vitreous humour
- vitrifaction
- vitrification
- vitrify
- vitrine
- vitriol
- vitriolic
- vitriolic acid
- vituperate
- vituperation
- vituperative
- Vitus
- viva
- viva voce
- vivace
- vivacious
- vivaciously
- vivaciousness
- vivacity
- vivarium
- vivat
- vive
- Viverridae
- vivers
- vivid
- vividly
- vividness
- vivify
- viviparous
- viviparous animal
- vivisect
- vivisection
- vixen
- vixenish
- viz
- Vizagapatam
- vizard
- vizier
- vizir
muuda- V.O.A.
- vocable
- vocabulary
- vocabulary entry
- vocal
- vocal chords
- vocal cord
- vocal cords
- vocal music
- vocal sac
- vocalic
- vocalic harmony
- vocalic plural
- vocalise
- vocalism
- vocalist
- vocalization
- vocalize
- vocally
- vocation
- vocational
- vocational education
- vocational expert
- vocational guidance
- vocational school
- vocational training
- vocative
- vociferate
- vociferation
- vociferosity
- vociferous
- vodka
- vogie
- vogue
- voice
- voice circuit
- voice circuits
- voice of conscience
- voice of reason
- voiceband
- voiced
- voiceless
- voice-over
- voiceover
- void
- voidee
- voider
- voiders
- voila
- voile
- voir dire
- vol
- Volans
- volant
- Volapuk
- Volapük
- volar
- volatile
- volatile alkali
- volatile liniment
- volatile oil
- volatile salt
- volatility
- volatilize
- vol-au-vent
- volcanic
- volcanic ash
- volcanic glass
- volcanic lake
- volcanic pipe
- volcanic rock
- volcanicity
- volcanism
- volcano
- Volcano Islands
- volcanologist
- volcanology
- vole
- Volga-Finnic
- Volhynia
- volitant
- volition
- volitional
- volley
- volley-ball
- volleyball
- Volos
- volplane
- Volstead Act
- volt
- Volta effect
- voltage
- voltage amplifier
- voltage drop
- Voltaic
- voltaic
- voltaic element
- voltaic pile
- Voltaire
- volte
- volte-face
- voltmeter
- volubility
- voluble
- volume
- volume control
- volume measure
- volume weight
- volumenometer
- volumenometry
- volumeter
- volumetric
- volumetric analysis
- volumetric change
- voluminous
- voluntarily
- voluntarism
- voluntarist
- voluntary
- voluntary army
- voluntary bankruptcy
- voluntary conveyance
- voluntary inaction
- voluntary muscle
- voluntary school
- volunteer
- Volunteer State
- voluptuary
- voluptuous
- voluptuousness
- volute
- volvulus
- vomit
- vomiting
- vomitive
- vomitorium
- vomitory
- von
- von Neumann
- voodoo
- voodooed
- voracious
- voraciousness
- voracity
- voraginous
- vorlage
- Voronezh
- vortex
- vortical
- vortical motion
- vorticism
- Vosges
- Voskhod
- Vostok
- votaress
- votary
- vote
- vote against
- vote down
- vote for
- vote in
- vote no confidence
- vote of confidence
- vote of thanks
- vote out
- voter
- Votic
- voting
- voting booth
- voting machine
- voting record
- voting right
- votive
- votive tablet
- vouch
- voucher
- vouchsafe
- voussoir
- vow
- vow and declare
- vowel
- vowel harmony
- vowel point
- vox
- vox barbara
- vox humana
- vox populi
- vox populi vox Dei
- voyage
- voyager
- voyeur
- voyeurism
muuda- vug
- Vulcan
- Vulcanian
- vulcanisation
- vulcanise
- vulcanism
- Vulcanist
- vulcanite
- vulcanization
- vulcanize
- vulcanized
- vulcanology
- vulgar
- vulgar errors
- vulgar fraction
- vulgar language
- Vulgar Latin
- vulgar latin
- vulgar taste
- vulgar tongue
- vulgarian
- vulgarisation
- vulgarise
- vulgarism
- vulgarity
- vulgarization
- vulgarize
- vulgarly
- vulgarness
- Vulgate
- vulgate
- vulnerability
- vulnerable
- vulnerable point
- vulnerable to
- vulnerableness
- vulnerably
- vulnerary
- Vulpecula
- Vulpes
- vulpicide
- vulpine
- vulture
- vulture bearded
- vulturism
- vulva